God's plan for our lives

 You already had a time or you are going to this time now, where everything seems so pointless. You learned about relying on God and trusting in His time, but when it’s time to live it, it’s different from just imagining it. You get to a moment in your life that you feel useless, that you don’t have a talent, that you have nothing you are good at. You are terrible with instruments and when you sing you give a headache to yourself, you’re not good at talking with people, you don’t speak another language because you gave up so many times trying to learn it. After all, it was so hard. You actually gave up more from many other things. You do not know what degree to choose or do not know why you chose the one you are doing now. You may have been crying and staring at the sky, asking God what to do now. If you feel the way I’m describing or pretty close to that, I would like to tell you I understand you a lot.

I want to tell you that God did not forget about you, God still has a plan for your life. It may sound very cliche, but it’s the truth.

Your purpose for life is not what you expect to be, it’s what God already planned for you to be. We are born with this purpose, and we know it when we become Christians, isn’t clear yet?

“For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8)

That’s it! We are born to live our lives for God. I know you heard it so many times and already know it. So how can we do that? Singing? Preaching? Writing? Being a missionary on the other side of the World? God bless you if you said yes to that. God bless you if you said, “those are not my things”. Don’t feel down because of that, feeling you are useless for God.

You can live your life to the Lord right where you are. So don’t wait for God to send you an email of what he wants, you already know. He already sent it to you. It’s the Gospel. So whatever you are planning on doing, ask yourself how can you live your life to the Lord on that. How can you shine His light through you? To know and to do that, you need to go back to the gospel every single day.

Start fulfilling your body with it and prayers. Once you feel you got it and found your track, keep living your life to the Lord, following His teachings. Don’t think that you are not special to God because He is not answering your questions. Maybe He already did, or maybe He will. Do not wait for a special message on an outdoor to live your life for the Lord. You are special for Him. You are not useless. Just find your right track.

He does not want you to make Him famous; He wants to shine His glory through you.
